11 Strange But True Health Tips

Taking care of health is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Many times we hear common advice like drinking water daily, exercising or eating right. But there are some strange and wonderful health tips that you may have never heard before, but they really work! Let’s know about 11 such strange but true health tips:

11 Strange But True Health Tips:

1. Eat more food to lose weight:

This may sound strange, but it is true that eating something can also reduce weight. When you eat food, the body has to expend energy (calories) to digest it. Eating protein-rich food speeds up your metabolism and helps in weight loss. Apart from this, green vegetables and fiber-rich fruits also improve your digestive system.

2. Eat some food before sleeping:

People often think that eating at night can lead to weight gain, but this is not necessary. If you eat the right amount and the right type of food, it can help you sleep better. Especially light food rich in protein like yogurt or a handful of almonds can be eaten before sleeping. This helps to nourish your body overnight and also repairs your muscles.

3. Reduce stress with chewing gum:

Do you know that chewing gum can reduce stress? This is a cheap and easy way. When you chew gum, it increases blood flow to the brain and reduces stress. Along with this, chewing gum also increases concentration, which helps you focus on your work.

4. Reduce the pain of injection by coughing:

Often people are afraid of getting injections because it can be painful. But there is a strange way in which you can reduce this pain – coughing! When you cough lightly while getting an injection, your attention is diverted from the pain and the pain is felt less. This tip may be useful for you next time!

5. Laughing out loud is also an exercise:

Laughing not only improves your mood, but it is also a kind of exercise. When you laugh heartily, the muscles of your face, stomach and chest work. Also, laughing releases a hormone called endorphin in the body, which makes you feel happy and stress-free. Therefore, laughing a little every day is good for health.

6. The color of clothes can change your mood:

The color of clothes can affect not only your style but also your mood. For example, blue and green colors make you feel peaceful, while red and yellow colors increase your energy. If you are feeling lazy throughout the day, then wear a bright colored cloth, this can immediately improve your mood.

7. It is important to sleep better, not more:

Often people believe that sleeping more is good, but in reality it is important to have good quality sleep. Even if the hours of sleep are less, but having deep and comfortable sleep matters more. For this, stay away from electronic devices like mobile, TV etc. before sleeping and create a comfortable environment.

8. Benefits of bathing with cold water:

Often people like to bathe with hot water, but bathing with cold water also has many benefits. Bathing with cold water keeps your skin tight and glowing. Apart from this, cold water increases blood circulation, which makes you feel refreshed and also reduces muscle pain.

9. Drink coffee for headache:

If you are having a headache, then drinking coffee can be a good solution. Coffee contains caffeine, which reduces headache by constricting the blood vessels of the brain. But keep in mind that taking too much caffeine can also have the opposite effect, so drink it in limited quantities.

10. Sit with your legs raised:

If you are tired after working all day and your legs are swollen or aching, then sit with your legs raised. This method helps to relax the blood vessels of your feet and reduces swelling. Apart from this, this posture also improves the blood circulation of your body.

11. Health benefits of walking without shoes:

Many times we are advised to go out wearing shoes, but walking without shoes also benefits the body. Walking barefoot on the ground strengthens the muscles of your feet and improves balance. Along with this, walking barefoot also increases blood flow in your feet, which reduces fatigue.


These 11 strange but true health tips can help us improve our health. Everyone has different health needs, so some things may work for you, and some may not. But by incorporating some of these methods into your daily routine, you will realize that it is not so difficult to maintain good health.


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