Best 8 Yoga Asanas You Should Know To Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes has become a common disease nowadays, which is affecting millions of people around the world. In this disease, the level of insulin in the body becomes abnormal, which increases the amount of sugar in the blood. Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that is beneficial not only for physical health but also for mental balance. Yoga can be very effective in controlling diabetes, as it helps in balancing the production of insulin in the body and controlling the level of sugar in the blood.

Best 8 Yoga Asanas You Should Know To Manage Your Diabetes:

1. Surya Namaskar:

Surya Namaskar is a full body yoga asana. It consists of 12 different postures, which have a positive effect on all parts of the body. This asana is helpful in improving blood flow, improving the digestive system and controlling weight. Weight control is very important for diabetes patients, and Surya Namaskar is highly effective in this case. It improves the process of insulin in the body.

How to do:

Stand straight, join both hands in a namaskar pose.

Raise the hands upwards while taking a deep breath.

Exhale and bend from the waist and try to touch the feet.

Then take the right leg back and keep the back straight.

Come to the plank position by taking both the legs back.

Place the knees, chest and chin on the ground and move forward to bring the body into the cobra pose (bhujangasana).
Exhale and bend down and stand back straight.

2. Bhujangasana:

Bhujangasana strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and helps improve the digestive system. It is beneficial for diabetes as it activates the pancreas and helps control blood sugar levels.

How to do:

Lie down on your stomach and place your hands near your shoulders.

Slowly lift your chest upwards, keeping your stomach on the floor.

Stretch your neck upwards and keep your eyes directed towards the sky.

Stay in this pose for 15 to 30 seconds and then slowly come back.

3. Vajrasana:

Vajrasana is considered to be the best asana to improve digestion. It is the only yoga asana done after meals that improves digestion and increases insulin sensitivity. People suffering from diabetes can do it daily.

How to do:

Sit on your knees and bend the legs backwards.

Sit on your heels and keep your spine straight.

Place your hands on the knees and breathe normally.

You can do this asana for 5-10 minutes after meals.

4. Paschimottanasana:

This asana stretches the muscles of the back, hips and hamstrings and reduces stress. It can be very beneficial for diabetic patients as it helps in improving the function of the pancreas and controlling sugar levels.

How to do:

Sit with the legs stretched straight ahead.

Take a deep breath and then bend forward from the waist while exhaling.

Try to touch your feet and bring your forehead near the knees.

Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly come back.

5. Dhanurasana:

Dhanurasana strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves digestion. It is especially beneficial for diabetes as it improves the functioning of the pancreas and liver, thereby controlling blood sugar levels.

How to do:

Lie down on your stomach and bend your legs at the knees.
Hold the ankles with your hands and pull the body.
Your body will come into the shape of a bow.
Stay in this position for 15 to 20 seconds and then slowly come back.

6. Mandukasana:

Mandukasana is especially beneficial for diabetics as it activates the pancreas and balances the production of insulin. This asana puts pressure on the abdominal muscles, which helps improve digestion.

How to do:

Sit in Vajrasana and make your fists and place them on either side of the abdomen.

Take a deep breath and then bend forward, so that the pressure is exerted on the abdomen.

Stay in this position for 20 to 30 seconds and then slowly come back.

7. Ardha Matsyendrasana:

This asana helps in bending the spine and improves the digestive system. It is beneficial for diabetic patients as it improves the function of the pancreas and controls the blood sugar levels in the body.

How to do:

Bend the right leg and place the left leg over it.

Bend your right arm backwards and hold the right foot with the left hand.

Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds and then repeat the same process with the other leg.

8. Shavasana:

Shavasana is a relaxation pose that completely relaxes the body and mind. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, which is especially important for diabetic patients. Controlling stress is an important part of diabetes management, and Shavasana is helpful in this.

How to do:

Lie on your back and keep the hands away from the body.
Close eyes and breathe normally.
Relax your body completely and concentrate.
Stay in this position for 5 to 10 minutes.


Yoga is a natural and effective way to control diabetes. Yoga can improve blood flow, insulin production and digestion in the body, thereby reducing the symptoms associated with diabetes. The 8 yoga asanas mentioned above are especially beneficial for diabetes management. Doing them regularly can improve your blood sugar level and help you live a better life. Keep in mind that before doing yoga, consult your doctor, especially if you have any serious physical problem.



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